Prior to the year 2016 a barren land without any yield is now yielding countless spiritual blessings to the devotees who gather and pray at Shirdi Sai Baba’s Guruvarul Temple. The background of this tremendous achievement was possible with Baba’s direct gift to the manging trustee Guruji Sai Sivanandam, who is a tool in Baba’s hand and this tool sculpted a magnificient mandir with the Divine Guidance from Sai Baba on every aspects right from construction to consecretion.
Right from Bhoomi Pooja, each passing moment was a history and need to write on the stone walls of this punya bhoomi. Right from begining way of life was struggle struggle and struggle to achieve this divine destined activity. However it was purely Baba’s grace for successful completion of this divine project within 365 days. Baba’s presence was evident on each passing day while designing the mandir as per Baba’s plan, no engineer or any famous architect was involved in the entire construction stages. First the plan was vague but each passing day that cloud blasted off and clear ideas emerged. One such event was temple gopuram design. Our main worry was to get a perfect cubical shape which must be uniform without any deviation. In all directions the Gopuram must be perfect upright and resembles similar to Shirdi Sanasthan mandir gopuram.
Another reason to consider this place as Punya Bhoomi, the availability of Peepal tree and Neem tree together. Normally these trees will not grow together, unless there is sacred power on this location. To make use of this divine power the trust conducted marriage to these trees on 28th August 2018. Since then, there are routine poojas and celebrations to the peepal tree carried out. Somavati Amavasya viratham was performed since 2019 on every year regularly. The importance of this viratham is known to our local women community and many are following regerously. This paricular viratham was recommended in Mahabharat by Pithmahar Bhisma to Dharmaraja for the welfare of Pancha Pandavas dynasty.
There are numerous rituals being planned and conducted as and when occurs. there will be Shri Rama Navami, Guru Poornima, Baba’s Punya Thithi on Vijaya Dhasami day, maha annadhanam to thousands of devotees and general public on Christmas day every year. The mandir is celebrating New year with distribution of sanctified rupee coins along with Udhi.
Our mandir is Universal faith oriented and is allowed to read Quran on all Friday mornings for Muslim devotees and Bible on all Sunday mornings to Christian devotees,
Our temple is blessed with Baba’s miracle stone on darbar hall walls, it is beyond any human imagination, it is purely divine miracle that devotee have darshan of thousands of Baba’s faces in granite wall panels of temple, few pictures are uploaded in the following link. Granite stone is natural stone that no one can make artificially any change to form a picture. No Baba temple in the world have this Baba’s miracle stone. All are welcome to have darshan of this great miracle.
Baba Darshan on temple walls miracle stone
For everything on this earth there will be an end, But for Baba’s blessings there will never be an end, His grace grow and grow and continue to grow forever.
Growth is etrnal mantra for our devasthan. accordingly Divine permission obtained to construct Chakrathaalvaar and Yoga Narsimha, Sri Lakshmi Narashimha, Shri Maha Ganapathi, Sri Nava Linga Arunachaleswara, Navagraha temple, Nagar Temple and Pancha Muki Anjaneya Temple. Bhoomi Pooja was performed by Vedic Pandits on 19 November 2023, in presence of HH Achudhanada Sai of Shirdi, Kundalini Yogi V Sriram and many blessed souls like Kasi Viswanath, Venugopal Sai, Master Prasad Sai, Sunantha Ananth and many devotees
Fortunately our temple became A Place where you get Eternal Bliss and Divine Blessings, your mind relieve from the clutches of worries and troubles, getting rays of hope from Baba’s magnificent darshan, at Shri Shirdi Sai Guruvarul Thirukkoil, Coimbatore.